preferences don\'t work

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Malariacontrol runs even when when I\'m using my pc. I configured it to run only if the computer is inactive since 3 minutes. It stops only if I press \"pause\"... I am not sure I will continue ! I need the power of my cpu too !

Chris Sutton
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Malariacontrol runs even when when I\'m using my pc. I configured it to run only if the computer is inactive since 3 minutes. It stops only if I press \"pause\"... I am not sure I will continue ! I need the power of my cpu too !

Hi Jonath
Did you specify that the client must \"Run based on preferences\" from the Activity menu option?
To troubleshoot, it is easier to set preferences locally through \"Advanced->Preferences...\" dialog. You may also need to stop and start the daemon for it to recognise the new preferences. Also, if you are setting the preferences locally, make sure and check that the preferences \"stick\". I have had problems getting them to stay when trying to set them remotely. I would set it, and then find that it is unset when I look again.

I\'m using client version 5.10.8 on ubuntu 7.10 and I did some quick tests. I found that the suspend preferences do work, but only when I press a key on the keyboard. They do not work when just moving the mouse or clicking a mouse button.

To be honest, I run BOINC pretty much all the time on this box and it runs the science app at a reasonably low priority (nice 19). Even though the science app uses a lot of the CPU time, it isn\'t really noticeable much of the time. Of course if I wanted to do something very cpu intensive (e.g playing a game), I would just suspend BOINC manually for that period of time.

Try a few things I suggested and report back if anything succeeded. If you can post a little more about your setup, perhaps someone with the same configuration can be of assistance.

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